When an account isn’t private, this means anyone can subscribe to the account – this is usually for people who have a lot of people adding them. Accounts that go private want to restrict people that are friends with them. When you want to be friends with someone, you have to send a request, and this will get sent to their request section on Snapchat. If you’ve requested someone and you’re not sure whether your request has been declined, here’s how you can tell.

How to Know If Your Friend Request Has Been Ignored Or Deleted on Snapchat

Go to Snapchat’s search bar and type in their username. Once their username appears in search results, check for ‘Add’ next to their name. If it is not there, this indicates that your request is still pending and they either haven’t seen it or if they have, they haven’t accepted it. You can see this as them declining your friend request. If they accept your request, then you’ll be able to see their snap score and whenever you search up their name, there is no ‘Add’ button because you’re friends with them. To verify this, you’ll need to check if you can see their snap score. Another way that you can tell if your request has been ignored or declined is if you haven’t received a notification telling you that they’ve added you back. Every time someone adds you back on Snapchat, you’ll receive a yellow notification in the add section to indicate this.

1. Added Will Change To Add If Declined

If someone declines your friend request on Snapchat, when you visit their profile, instead of seeing Added, you’ll see Add. The request will go back to Add when they have declined your friend request. When someone declines your request, you can choose to request them again, but chances are that they’ll decline your request again. If they accept your request, the request will change to from Added to you being able to see their Snapchat score – from here, you’ll be able to view their stories and message with them. There’s no way to view a private Snapchat account without them accepting your friend request.

2. Ask Them

Celebrities often leave their accounts open, meaning you don’t need to request them; their stories are available to everyone to see. When sending a friend request to someone, you are not expecting that they will decline your request, which is why it can be shocking to see that your request is being ignored or rejected. If you have a means of communicating with the person that declined your request, you can always ask them if they saw it. Be careful not to sound confrontational when you ask them about your request. Casually bring it up in a conversation and mention that you had sent a request on Snapchat, and you are wondering if they have seen it. If they try to change the topic, that can be their way of politely letting you know that they saw the request and ignored it or declined the request.

3. Request Them Again and See If They Decline

Snapchat has rules that regulate how many people you can add at a given time. To avoid spamming, if you request too many people simultaneously, some of your requests will not go through. Snapchat will believe you are misusing the friend request feature and will disable it for a few hours as a result. It may lead to you thinking that the person you wanted to add as a friend declined your request when they never even saw the request to add them as a friend. It is also common for people to decline friend requests to their accounts by mistake. To ensure that the person declined your request to add their account on purpose, you can request to have them as a friend again and see if they decline. If they reject your request for the second time, you know that they do not want you to be your friend. Please do not attempt to request to add them for the third time, as they will end up blocking your account. Having your request rejected two times indicates that they do not want you to see what they post.

Does Snapchat Notify You If They Decline Your Request?

Consider the following scenario: your young cousin has recently joined Snapchat, and you add them to see what they post. Because your little cousin doesn’t want you to see what they post on their Snapchat, they decide not to accept your friend request. Once your cousin decides that they do not want you to have them as a friend and decline your request, you will not receive a notification that your request was rejected. Snapchat takes the privacy of its users extremely seriously and will never do anything that might jeopardize their privacy in any way. Therefore, when you reject someone’s friend request on the platform, they will not receive any communication from the Snapchat Team regarding your decision to do so. However, just because Snapchat does not send out notifications about it does not imply that people will not know that you rejected their request. When people send requests to add an account, they will constantly visit to check if their request has been accepted. Even if they do not receive a notification that the request has been declined, if they continue verifying and they see the add button, they will know the request got rejected.

If You Send A Friend Request to Someone on Snapchat and They Decline, What Happens?

When you request someone on Snapchat, they will receive a notification that you have added them as a friend. Once they receive your request, they have the option to add you back or press the x to decline it. If someone decides to decline your request, Snapchat will not notify them that their request got denied. When you send someone a friend request, while the person decides whether to add you back or decline your request, the only thing you will be able to see is the Added button or an account with no Add button.  If the person decides to decline your request, you’ll see the Add button again which often lets people know that their friend request has been declined. If you don’t want the person that requested you to see that you don’t want to add them as a friend, you can block the individual so that your profile is not visible to their account.

How Long Does It Take For Someone to Accept Your Friend Request on Snapchat?

If the person you request as a friend on Snapchat has their notifications switched on, the friend request will be displayed on their phone even when they are not on the app. If their notifications are switched off, they will see the request once they use the app. It is up to the person to decide whether they accept the request immediately or ignore the request. Once they add you back, you will immediately see what they post to their stories and you’ll be able to message them. If they ignore your friend request, you will be stuck as someone who has added them. It will go on for as long as your request gets ignored by the person you want to be friends with. It can go for years unless you decide to cancel the request to add them manually.

Reason Why Your Request Got Ignored or Declined

If you’ve been ignored, then chances are that they don’t know who you are. People put their accounts on private being they don’t want certain types of accounts requesting them or people they don’t know. If you’re trying to request someone you don’t know, then they’re likely to ignore your request. If your account Is public and they can see your story, they can ignore you because they don’t like the type of content that you post. If you want them to accept you, you can either make your account more appealing or go on private so they’re curious to see who you are. Another reason why your request may get ignored is if because your account looks like a spam account. When your account looks like a spam account, for example, you have no bitmoji, then chances are that people are going to decline your request.

Concluding Thoughts

Those who use Snapchat regularly tend to forget that half of the individuals who have profiles on the platform don’t consistently log in. It might be challenging to envision somebody staying away for more than a few days at a time. However, it is possible. As it turns out, some people only visit the site once every week, or even once a month. Aside from that, individuals do take holidays to locations with limited Internet connectivity. If you see that someone hasn’t added you back, it does not mean that you are ignored. The person you are requesting to add as a friend may not have accessed their account since you added them.