How to Know If Someone Deleted You on Wechat
One way to tell if someone deleted you on WeChat is to try to send them a message. Again, you must be added to their list to send someone a message. To try and send them a message, follow these steps.
- Open up the WeChat app on any device you are logged into.
- Next, click on Contacts on the bottom left side of your screen.
- Now, find the contact of the person you think has deleted you.
- Once you are at their contact, click the Messages option that is lower on your screen.
- Type in any message you want and click Send.
- You have not been deleted if your message is successfully sent to them. If your message runs into some error or cannot be sent, there is a good chance they have deleted you. You can also tell if someone has deleted you on WeChat by looking at their contact picture. A lack of a contact pictures loading indicates that they have deleted you. To do that, follow these steps.
- Open up the WeChat app on any device you are logged into.
- Next, click on Contacts on the bottom left side of your screen.
- Now, find the contact of the person you think has deleted you.
- If their profile picture and moments successfully load, they have not removed you. If their profile picture and their moments will not load, you have been deleted by them. Another way to learn if someone has deleted you on WeChat is by trying to create a group chat with this person. When someone makes a group chat, those in the chat can see the other members’ pictures and moments. Follow these steps to create a group chat with them.
- Open up the WeChat app on any device you are logged into.
- Next, click on Chats on the bottom left side of your screen.
- Select the Plus sign on the top right of the screen.
- Then, choose New Chat.
- Start adding any contacts you like, and the person you think has deleted you from WeChat.
- Click Done when you have added all of the contacts.
- If you can add them to your group chat but cannot see their moments, they have deleted you from WeChat. If you get deleted on WeChat, your message history will also be erased, so this is another way to see if you have been deleted. To check your conversations, follow these steps.
- Open up the WeChat app on any device you are logged into.
- Next, click on Chats on the bottom left side of your screen.
- Scroll through your chats until you find the contact of the person you think has deleted you. If you can find them, they have not removed you. If your conversation history is gone, they have deleted you on WeChat. These are all great ways to see if you have been deleted on WeChat. No message or notification is given to you when you are deleted, so you will have to try these methods to learn if you were.
Will Someone Know If I Deleted Them on Wechat
Unless someone has a reason to believe you have deleted them on WeChat, they will not know if you decide to remove them. However, there are some ways they can try and see if you have deleted them. One way to tell if you deleted someone on WeChat is if they try to send you a message. Again, they must be added to your list to send you a message. When they go to send a message to you, if they are met with an error or are unable to send the message to you, they might start to suspect that they have been deleted. Another way they can learn if you deleted them is by looking at your profile. If your profile picture and moments do not load for them, they might take this as another sign that you have deleted them. They can also learn if you have deleted them by adding you into a group chat. When group chats are created, you can see the moments of all the people who have been added. If your moments are not loading for them, this will also cue them into the fact that you have deleted them. When you delete someone, your message history is also deleted. So, if they look at any old messages between the two of you and find all of them gone, they can assume they have been deleted. Many of these happenings can be explained by a bad internet connection or a bug in the WeChat system. The person you have deleted might think these problems are occurring because of those reasons and not because you deleted them. This means that there is a good chance they will never know you deleted them.
Can People See When You Delete Them on Wechat
The answer is yes if you are wondering if people can see if you deleted them on WeChat. While they will not be alerted that they have been deleted, they can tell through several different ways. One way to know if you deleted someone on WeChat is if they try to send you a message. Again, they must be added to your list to send you a message. When they go to send a message to you, if they are met with an error or are unable to send the message to you, they might start to suspect that they have been deleted. Another way they can learn if you deleted them is by looking at your profile. If your profile picture and moments do not load for them, they might take this as another sign that you have deleted them. They can also learn if you have deleted them by adding you into a group chat. When group chats are created, you can see the moments of all the people who have been added. If your moments are not loading for them, this will also cue them into the fact that you have deleted them. When you delete someone, your message history is also deleted. So, if they look at any old messages between the two of you and find all of them gone. They cannot technically see that you deleted them, but they can see that they can no longer see any messages between the two of you, send you a new message, or see your profile picture or your moments.
What Happens When You Delete Someone on Wechat
When you decide to delete someone on WeChat, the things that will happen are your conversations are erased, any photos or videos sent are erased, and you will no longer receive any messages from that person. No message or alert is sent to the person that you have deleted. However, they can learn that they have been deleted by checking out several different things. One way to tell if you deleted someone on WeChat is if they try to send you a message. Again, they must be added to your list to send you a message. When they go to send a message to you, if they are met with an error or are unable to send the message to you, they might start to suspect that they have been deleted. Another way they can learn if you deleted them is by looking at your profile. If your profile picture and moments do not load for them, they might take this as another sign that you have deleted them. They can also learn if you have deleted them by adding you into a group chat. When group chats are created, you can see the moments of all the people who have been added. If your moments are not loading for them, this will also cue them into the fact that you have deleted them. When you delete someone, your message history is also deleted.
How to Delete Someone on Wechat Without Them Knowing
When you want to delete someone on WeChat, you might not want that person to be alerted to the fact that you have deleted them. Thankfully, when you delete someone, there is no notification or message sent to the person you have deleted. They can only tell if they decide to message you, look at your contact, add you to a group chat, or look at your past message history. To delete someone on WeChat, follow these steps.
- Open up the WeChat app on any device you are logged into.
- Next, click on Contacts on the bottom left side of your screen.
- Now, find the contact of the person you want to delete.
- Once you are at their contact, click on the three little dots at the top right of your screen.
- Click on the Delete option at the bottom of the screen you are taken to. This will delete them from your WeChat account. Your messages will be erased as soon as you delete them, and any photos or videos you sent will be gone. Once you delete them, they cannot tell unless they decide to look into it. Following these steps will not give them any alert. There are some ways they can try and see if you have deleted them. One way to know if you deleted someone on WeChat is if they try to send you a message. Again, they must be added to your list to send you a message. When they go to send a message to you, if they are met with an error or are unable to send the message to you, they might start to suspect that they have been deleted. Another way they can learn if you deleted them is by looking at your profile. If your profile picture and moments do not load for them, they might take this as another sign that you have deleted them. They can also learn if you have deleted them by adding you into a group chat. When group chats are created, you can see the moments of all the people who have been added. If your moments are not loading for them, this will also cue them into the fact that you have deleted them. When you delete someone, your message history is also deleted. So, if they look at any old messages between the two of you and find all of them gone, they can assume they have been deleted. So, if you want to delete someone on WeChat without them knowing, you only have to delete them. They can find out if they decide to look into it.