This guide will provide details on how you can save someone else’s photos on the BeReal application. You should use the information provided in this guide to help you understand the way the BeReal application handles other people’s photos on the application.
Can You Save BeReal Photos?
You can save your own photos on the BeReal application quite easily. To do this, you simply need to click the three-dotted lines displayed on the photos page. This will open up a menu of the different controls that you can use on the picture. This will include options to share on other social media applications or with someone in your contacts. In this menu, you will see the Save Image option. Select the Save Image option and your phone will automatically save the photo to your camera roll. This is the easiest way to save photos you have uploaded to the BeReal application on your phone. Keep in mind that using this method, you will only be able to save your own photos on the BeReal application. BeReal does not offer a native way to save other users’ photos on the BeReal application to your phone.
How To Save Your BeReal Photo
You can save your own photos on the BeReal application quite easily. To do this, you simply need to click the three-dotted lines displayed on the photos page. This will open up a menu of the different controls that you can use on the picture. This will include options to share on other social media applications or with someone in your contacts. In this menu, you will see the Save Image option. Select the Save Image option and your phone will automatically save the photo to your camera roll. This is the easiest way to save photos you have uploaded to the BeReal application on your phone.
Can You Save Someone Else’s Photos On BeReal?
There is currently no way to natively save someone else’s photos to your device on the BeReal application. You will not be able to use the typical method of saving your own picture to save another user’s photos. This can be frustrating but this guide contains several workaround methods that you can consider if you wish to save someone’s BeReal photos to your phone. It is likely that in the future the BeReal application will release a more streamlined way to save someone else’s photos to your device.
How To Save Someone Else’s Photo On Be Real
The next part of this guide will detail the different ways that you can bypass the restrictions placed on saving other users’ photos on the BeReal application to your own device. All of these methods have been proven to help save someone’s photos from BeReal to your phone. As previously mentioned, you will not be able to save someone’s photos on the BeReal application using the typical methods.
1. Screenshot It
The easiest thing that you can do to save someone’s photo on the BeReal application is to screenshot the picture to save it to your device. Once you have screenshotted the photo you wish to save it will be available in your camera roll to view any time you wish. Tip: You might worry that people will know you’ve screenshotted their picture. Luckily, there are To find the photo you screenshotted on the BeReal application, you will need to navigate to your camera roll and find the screenshot that you took. Once you have found the appropriate screenshot in your phone’s camera roll, you will be able to use it in any way that you see fit. This is the easiest way to save someone else’s photo from the BeReal application. As long as you are able to view the person’s public profile, this is a viable and easy method to consider.
2. Ask them To Send It To You
The easiest thing that you can do to save someone else’s photos on the BeReal application is to simply ask them to send you the photos. If you are on familiar terms with the user whose pictures you wish to save, asking them to send over the photos from their camera roll will often produce the desired results. As long as the user still has access to the pictures that they used on the BeReal application saved on their phone’s camera roll, they will not have any issue being able to send them directly to you. If you do not know the user whose profile pictures you wish to view very well, it might be more difficult to convince them to send you the photos directly. You should still consider asking as your first method for gaining access to someone’s photos on the BeReal application. This can save you time trying to find other methods of saving the photos. Even if you do not know the user very well, it does not hurt to ask. That being said, if the user no longer has access to the photos because they have been deleted from their camera roll and their account, it is unlikely that you will be able to view the photos using this method. You will need to consider another photo to save if this is the case.
3. Take A Picture Of It Using Another Phone
You could also take a picture of the picture on another phone if you wish to save it to your camera roll. This will result in a lower quality picture but will still give you access to the photo, nonetheless. You can consider this method if you do not wish the screenshot the photo directly to your camera roll or if you are viewing the picture on someone else’s phone and wish to have it saved on your device.
4. Ask Someone
You should ask some other people on your friend’s list or other users of the BeReal application if they have a copy of the photo that they could send to your phone. This is a good method to consider if you share many mutual friends with the profile whose pictures you are attempting to save. If someone on your friend list has access to the photo, they will be able to send it to your phone through text, direct message, or through another social media application. Once they have done this, you will have access to a copy of the photo on your phone to view whenever you like.
Final Thoughts
This guide has provided you with all of the information that you need to ensure that you can save not only your own but also other people’s photos on the BeReal application. Because the BeReal application does not offer a native way to save someone else’s photos, you will need to use the workaround methods contained in this guide to help you bypass these restrictions. All of the methods listed in this guide can help better your chances of being able to save someone else’s BeReal photos to your device. Saving your own photos on the BeReal application is quite easy and involves simply entering into the photo menu while viewing the picture and selecting Save Image.