The filtered photos or the stickers that you place on videos can all be documented in Snapchat as a way to interact with one another. You can see the recent threads or people who you’ve sent or received Snaps, but there is a way to see a more numerical value of what you’ve sent and received on the app. You may or may not be familiar with what a snap score is. The snap score is the random number that you might see near your username. This score is a measure of your activity on the app, and this activity includes snaps sent and received, users that you’ve added, stories that you sent, and other forms of activity. These scores are an indication of what you send and receive in the app, and it will give you a rough estimate. Here’s how you can see your snap score and use it to see how many snaps you’ve sent and received.

Can You See How Many Snaps You’ve Sent to One Person?

It’s not possible to see how many snaps you’ve sent to one particular person. Snapchat doesn’t allow you to know this information and there’s nowhere on the app that you can go to find this out. There’s a snap score that reveals your overall sent and received score but it doesn’t tell you how many snaps you’ve sent to someone individually.

Count Saved Snaps In Chat

If every time you’ve snapped the person they’ve saved the snap in your chat, you can scroll all the way up and count how many snaps that you’ve sent this person. This will only be accurate if every time you’ve sent a red or purple snap, they’ve gone ahead and saved it. If there was ever a time that they forgot to save it, then this isn’t going to work and the number of snaps that you count will be inaccurate. If this person or you haven’t saved each snap that was sent to the chat, then you’re not going to be able to count how many snaps you’ve sent them.

x Average Snaps You Send Per Day With Number of Days Spoken

If you send a certain number of snaps to this person every day, then you can figure out how many snaps you’ve sent to them. To figure this out, you’ll need to think about how many days you’ve spoken. If you’ve been speaking since you’ve been friends on Snapchat, you can find out the day you became friends and from there you’ll know how many days you’ve been speaking. If you guys have a Snapchat streak, then this is going to let you know how many days you’ve been speaking for. From here, once you have a rough idea of how many days you’ve been speaking for, you need to think roughly about how many snaps you send to them per day. If for example, it’s two, then you need to multiply this by the number of days that you’ve been speaking to them. This figure will let you know how many snaps you’ve sent to them in total. If you guys don’t speak regularly and you only snap each other here and there, you don’t have a streak, then you won’t be able to do this as the number will be too inaccurate. Even if you do know how many days you’ve been speaking to them but you’re clueless on the average about of snaps you sent to them per day, then you’re not going to know how many snaps you’ve sent them.

Ask Them

If this person likes to keep track of things or they tend to have a good memory, you can ask them how many snaps they think you’ve sent them. If you’ve only been speaking for a short amount of time, then they might have an idea of how many snaps you’ve sent to them.

How to See Snaps Sent and Received

If you want to know how many snaps you’ve sent and received, then you can find this out using your Snap score. Your snap score is more than just a number; it can let you know how many snaps you’ve sent and received. Although it doesn’t tell you the exact number, because each snap that you send that’s opened is usually worth 1 snap score, then you’ll know that the number given to you is how many snaps you’ve sent.

  1. Launch the Snapchat app.

  2. In the top left corner of the screen, you’ll see your Bitmoji. Tap on this Bitmoji to see information about your profile.

  3. At the top of the screen, you’ll see your Bitmoji. Beneath that, you’ll see your username and snap score in small font.

  4. Once you see your Snap Score, tap on it and the score will separate into two numbers. The number on the left is the number of snaps that you’ve sent and the number on the right is the number of snaps that you’ve received. Now, you have a clear number for the number of snaps that you’ve sent and received.

How to See How Many Snaps You’ve Sent in a Day

There’s no number on Snapchat that’ll let you know how many snaps you’ve sent in a day. Although it’s possible to find out this number if things are set up correctly, it’s a lot of manual work and there’s nowhere you can go to find it out asap. If things haven’t been set up right for you to find out how many snaps you’ve sent in a day, then you can set them up now so if you’re ever wondering how many snaps you’ve sent in a day, then you’ll easily be able to find out.

Using Your Snap Score

Using your Snapchat score, you can find out how many snaps you’ve sent in one day. To find this out, when you wake up in the morning, you need to know what your sent snap score is. To find this out, just click on your snap score and it’ll tell you how many snaps were sent. From here, you’ll need to remember it or write it down to remember it. Once you’ve remembered it, you need to wait until the end of the day when you’ve done all of your snapping. When you’ve finished snapping everybody, then you need to look at your Sent snap score again. With this number, take away the snap score that you wrote down in the morning and the difference will be how many snaps you send that day.

Look In Your Chats

Another way to find out how many snaps you sent in a day is to look in your chats. The downside to this is that it’ll only work if your chat history isn’t set to delete straight after viewing and they’re set to delete after 24 hours. If you’ve only been speaking in group chats, then you’re lucky because they’re set to delete after 24 hours and the snaps sent don’t expire straight as soon as they’re viewed. If your chats are set to delete 24 hours after they’re viewed and you want to find out how many snaps you’ve sent in a day, then you need to look at how many snaps you’ve sent in your chat. To do this, open each chat you’ve had today and count how many red or purple snaps you’ve sent. Because the chats are set to delete after 24 hours, there will be a record of the times you’ve sent a snap to them. You need to open the chat that you’ve sent a snap to and count this up. Once you’ve counted all of them up, then you’ll know how many snaps you’ve sent in one day.

Snaps Sent vs Received

Your snap score is a combination of how many snaps you’ve sent and received in total. If you want to know the number of snaps you’ve sent compared to the number of snaps you’ve received, then you’ll need to click on your snap score. On the left, you’ll be told the total number of snaps you’ve sent to someone and on the right, you’ll be told the total number of snaps that you’ve received. Your sent snap score is how many times you’ve taken a snap, sent it, and the recipient has opened it. The received is how many times someone sent you a snap, and you opened it. If they haven’t been opened or the snaps have expired, then this won’t count towards your snap score.

Is Snap Score How Many Snaps You’ve Sent

Your snap score isn’t how many snaps you’ve sent. It’s a combination of how many snaps you’ve sent and received. The number of snaps you’ve sent and received can be broken down into the exact number by clicking on your snap score. From here, the left number will be the number of snaps that you’ve sent, and the right number will be the number of snaps that you’ve received. Your overall snap score is a combination of both, not just the number of snaps you’ve sent.