Do not worry; it is quick and easy to learn how to differentiate between the photos that you may delete and the photos you do not have the power to delete. Read through this guide to learn what the difference between these two categories is and also to learn what your options might be if you desire to delete a photo that was actually posted to Facebook by someone other than you.
Why Can’t I Delete My Facebook Photos?
1. Someone Else Posted a Photo of You Through Their Profile
It is really poor Internet etiquette to upload and post any photo that contains other people in it without first asking for their permission. However, unfortunately, it is something that happens all of the time and way too often. Most of the time, there is likely no malicious intent meant by doing this. Sometimes, though, it is a malicious action. So, what can you do about this potentially uncomfortable or embarrassing situation? Please read the following steps, and you will learn what you can do to remedy this situation.
Fix 1 – Ask Them to Delete It
2. Someone Tagged You In The Photo
It is really poor Internet etiquette to upload and post any photo that contains other people in it without first asking for their permission. However, unfortunately, it is something that happens all of the time and way too often. Most of the time, there is likely no malicious intent meant by doing this. Sometimes, though, it is a malicious action. So, what can you do about this potentially uncomfortable or embarrassing situation? Please read the following steps, and you will learn what you can do to remedy this situation.
Fix 1 – Ask The Person Who Uploaded It to Delete It
Since it was someone else, and not you, who posted the photo, this means that you are unfortunately unable to delete it. Only the person who posted the photo on their Facebook feed has the power to delete the photo. These are the options that you have now. Always try this method first because many times, this is all that is needed to cause your Facebook app to start working perfectly normally again and to reflect any recent changes you may have made, such as deleting a photo from your Facebook feed. Try to reach out and ask the person who posted the photo to please remove it immediately. They may not want to do this even if they are a good friend of yours. Maybe they like how they look in the photo, or they think the way you looked out on the dance floor is entertaining. Or, maybe they are now a frenemy. At any rate, definitely give this possible solution method a shot and see if they will honor your request. It is really poor Internet etiquette to upload and post any photo that contains other people in it without first asking for their permission. However, unfortunately, it is something that happens all of the time and way too often. Most of the time, there is likely no malicious intent meant by doing this. Sometimes, though, it is a malicious action. So, what can you do about this potentially uncomfortable or embarrassing situation? Please read the following steps, and you will learn what you can do to remedy this situation. You have no way to remove the photo, but you can keep it from appearing on your own Facebook page. You may do this by editing and removing it from your page directly. This option will hide the offending photo from your personal Facebook timeline. It is better than nothing. It is really the next best option if you are unable to convince the person who posted the photo to delete it. You have the option to un-tag yourself in the photo. This will prevent your name and profile link from appearing anywhere on the photo, the photo caption, and the tags on the people in the photo.
3. It’s Deleted, But You’re Still Seeing It Due to a Glitch
So, this situation can be incredibly frustrating to deal with. But, just remain calm. There are several things you can try out at this point to get to the bottom of this. This is a bit of a hassle if you are trying to use the Facebook app right away and if time is of the essence. This sounds like a very negative thing, right? You do not want any app or anything at all, for that matter, on your phone to be infected with a bug. In fact, though, this is actually not terrible news. It means that you may be looking at a very quick fix for this problem.
Fix 1 – Log Out, Then Back In
Always try this method first because many times, this is all that is needed to cause your Facebook app to start working perfectly normally again and to reflect any recent changes you may have made, such as deleting a photo from your Facebook feed.
Fix 2 – Delete It on Chrome PC Rather Than the App
This is a bit of a hassle if you are trying to use the Facebook app right away and if time is of the essence. However, this may be the solution to all of your problems. Delete the app entirely off of your Chrome PC rather than just deleting the app by itself. Now, search for the app on your Google Play Store program and download it again. Has this step been able to solve the problem? If not, please read on for more helpful tips on how to handle this situation calmly and efficiently.
Fix 3 – Clear Your Cache to Get Rid of Facebook Bugs
This sounds like a very negative thing, right? You do not want any app or anything at all, for that matter, on your phone to be infected with a bug. In fact, though, this is actually not terrible news. It means that you may be looking at a very quick fix for this problem. Read the below steps to find out how to accomplish this task. It is possible that your Facebook app could just be too hung up on the past and unable to move on. Let us do away with anything bad that it may be holding on to that could be causing it distress. Clear the cache and try the app again. All better? If not, see the following step.
Fix 4 – Contact Facebook Support
If none of the previous possible solution methods we have tried so far have been successful, then it is now time to contact Facebook Support. You can visit the Facebook Help Center by navigating to it on your app or on your web browser. Not to worry. The Facebook Help Center should be able to handle any Facebook app-related problems or issues.
4. Facebook Is Down
Isn’t it frustrating when an app you really want to use right now is down? It is a feeling we all know and despises and dread. But it happens to all apps now and then. This can happen due to updates or changes of any kind that the company might be performing on the app. Typically, an app (especially a very popular and major platform such as Facebook) will not be down for very long (most of the time, it is a few hours, at most). Patience is the answer to this problem if this is what is troubling your Facebook forrays today.
Fix 1 – Wait For Facebook To Go Back Up
Typically, an app (especially a very popular and major platform such as Facebook) will not be down for very long (most of the time it is a few hours, at most). Patience is the answer to this problem if this is what is troubling your Facebook forrays today. Isn’t it frustrating when an app you really want to use right now is down? It is a feeling we all know and despises and dread. But it happens to all apps now and then. This can happen due to updates or changes of any kind that the company might be performing on the app. Please continue reading further to find out what other possible causes your Facebook app may currently be dealing with.
5. Poor Internet Connection
Isn’t it frustrating when an app you really want to use right now is down due to a possible issue with your phone’s Internet connection? It is a feeling we all know and despises and dread. But it happens to all apps now and then. This can happen due to updates or changes of any kind that the company might be performing. Please continue reading further to find out what other possible causes your Facebook app and/ or your phone’s Internet connection may currently be dealing with.
Fix 1 – Turn Your WI-FI Off, Then On
Always try this method first because many times, this is all that is needed to cause your Facebook app to start working perfectly normally again and to reflect any recent changes you may have made, such as deleting a photo from your Facebook feed. This can happen due to updates or changes of any kind that the company might be performing on the app. Please continue reading further to find out what other possible causes your Facebook app may currently be dealing with.
Fix 2 – Switch from WI-FI to Data
It could be possible that there is some sort of issue currently going on with your WiFi connection. Yes, this is very frustrating, but sometimes it will happen if you have a poor WiFi signal or for various other reasons. What can you do about this? Try turning off your phone’s WiFi connection and connecting to the Internet using your phone’s data instead. Is the Facebook app working correctly now? If not, there is one more approach you try that may allow you to resolve this problem.
Fix 3 – Turn Off VPN
Try this possible solution method to see if it is just what you need to be able to resolve the issue at hand. If none of the previous possible solution methods have been successful yet, please try to turn off the VPN on your cell phone.