Shein Order Delivered but Not Received

1. It Was Delivered to Your Old Address

What to Do – Check If You Accidentally Delivered to Your Old Address Did you recently move? Maybe you forgot to update your delivery address, so your Shein package was truly delivered, but you did not receive it because it was sent to an old address of yours. You can easily check the address your Shein package was sent to on the Shein website.

  1. To track your order, log in to your Shein account and click on My Account.
  2. Then, once in the My Account page, click on My Order, and you will be able to see all of your current orders.
  3. Look for the order that has been delivered, and you will see the address it was delivered to.
  4. If that address is not your current address, it was delivered to the address listed. To get your Shein order, you will have to go to your old address and find it there. Hopefully, the people who now live there still have your Shein order and are able to give it to you. To avoid this problem in the future, you should update your address in Shein so that future packages are not delivered to your old address again. To update your address, go to My Orders again and edit your address which is saved on this page. Updating your address to where you currently live will make using Shein a lot simpler for orders to come.

2. Your Package Has Been Placed Somewhere You’re Not Sure Of

What to Do – Look Around the Deliver Location Mail thieves are a growing problem, and mail deliverers are well aware of this problem. To try and fight off these thieves and ensure that you get your package, mail deliverers will sometimes hide your packages a little bit so they cannot be easily seen and then stolen. While this can seem a little bit annoying and only be an extra hassle for you, it is done in an attempt to keep your packages safe. If your Shein order has said it was delivered, but you received nothing, make sure you do a deep search for your Shein order. It could just be well placed, so it is not super visible. This means your Shein order might be sitting right on your door step, you just do not know it yet. Look under anything and in every little corner that is near your delivery area. Once you have done a full sweep, you may be able to find your Shein order and clear up your problem of not receiving it. However, if you do this full sweep and can still not locate your Shein package, it is most likely not near your delivery area and is still missing.

3. Your Package Was Stolen

What to Do – Notify Shein and Courier There is also a potential that your package was stolen, which is why Shein is saying your order was delivered, but you have yet to receive it. If you believe this happened to you, you will have to contact Shein and your courier to notify them. When it comes to contacting Shein, there are a couple of different ways to do so. The first is to call them at their number, 844-802-2500. Once you call them, you will have to go through a series of automated messages and then you will be able to talk directly to a live customer service representative. If you do not want to call them, you can also go through their customer service website. Each country has their own customer service website, so to find yours, simply just search for Shein Customer Service and you will be able to find the link to your country’s Shein customer service site. Once you are there, you will have to log in to your account. Then, once you are logged in, you can notify Shein that your package was stolen. To contact your courier, you will need to reach out to your national postal service. This is the delivery method and provider that Shein uses to deliver any orders as they are based in China and send out millions of international orders. Therefore, you will need to get in contact with your national postal service as that is who will be delivering your Shein package and let them know that your order was potentially stolen.

4. It Was Delivered to Your Neighbor

What to Do – Ask Your Neighbor Mistakes are made by everyone and happen all the time. Sometimes, even your mail deliverer might accidentally slip up and deliver something to the wrong house. This means that if your Shein order has been delivered, but you have not received it, there is a chance that it was accidentally ordered to your neighbor. If this did happen, a lot of the times when a package is delivered to a neighbor, the neighbor will simply just walk it over to your house and correct the wrong doing. However, sometimes they might accidentally take it into their home since it was delivered to their house. If you think your neighbor may have your package, one easy way to get it back is to simply just ask your neighbor. If they do have it unknowingly, they can hand it right back to you, and you can finally enjoy your Shein order. However, if none of your neighbors have your Shein package that has been delivered but you have not received it, then it was not delivered to your neighbor, and there is another cause for your issues.

5. There’s Been an Error Somewhere in the Process

What to Do – Contact Shein and Courier An error could have also occurred somewhere in the process of being packed at Shein and then delivered to you. If this has occurred, you will need to contact both your courier and Shein. When it comes to contacting Shein, there are a couple of different ways to do so. The first is to call them at their number, 844-802-2500. Once you call them, you will have to go through a series of automated messages and then you will be able to talk directly to a live customer service representative. If you do not want to call them, you can also go through their customer service website. Each country has their own customer service website, so to find yours, simply just search for Shein Customer Service and you will be able to find the link to your country’s Shein customer service site. Once you are there, you will have to log in to your account. Then, once you are logged in, you can contact Shein to try to figure out what error occurred in the process of you getting your package. To contact your courier, you will need to reach out to your national postal service. This is the delivery method and provider that Shein uses to deliver any orders as they are based in China and send out millions of international orders. Therefore, you will need to contact your national postal service as that is who will deliver your Shein package and talk with them to figure out where the error occurred that caused you to not get your order when it says it was delivered.

Shein Package Lost

If your Shein package is taking way longer than you expected, you may be starting to think that it was lost in the mail. However, if this is the case for you and your Shein package truly was lost in the mail, you will be told. If you were never told that your package was lost, then do not fear. It is still making its way to you, it is just taking a lot longer than expected. If you were sadly told that your Shein package was in fact lost in the mail, then you will receive notice from either Shein or your national postal service who will be delivering your Shein package. When your Shein package is officially lost in the mail, if you bought insurance on your order upon checkout, Shein will either give you a full refund or you can simply just have them send you a new delivery of your old order and hope this one does not get lost in the mail. If you did not buy insurance on your Shein package, you can reach out to Shein to see if they will give you a refund or send you your order again, but they do not guarantee that you will get either of these things as you did not elect to purchase the insurance when you placed your order. Additionally, if you never received an email saying your package was lost but you are still waiting for your Shein order to arrive, while it is not yet lost, there is still a chance it could get lost as it continues to make its way to you.

1. Make Sure Customer Protection Time Didn’t Expire

If you did decide to purchase customer protection upon checkout while ordering through Shein, make sure this time has not expired otherwise, you will not be able to get any benefits from losing your package and getting a refund. Shein has a forty five day policy with their customer protection. If you have ordered your potentially lost package within the past forty-five days, you are in luck and can still cash in on your refund or new order with Shein. However, if this forty five day period has expired, your customer protection has also expired. Shein orders may take a while to deliver but very rarely will take over forty five days, so you should be trying to get your refund or new order far before your customer protection expires. This way, your decision to buy it is worth it and allows you to get a refund or new order.

2. Take Photos of the Parcel Tracking System Proving Your Order Was Not Delivered.

If Shein is trying to claim that your package was delivered, you can easily get some proof that it actually has not been delivered by taking a picture of the parcel tracking system. By doing this, the parcel tracking system will tell you where your order currently is, proving that it has not been delivered yet. You can easily access this tracking information through your Shein account.

  1. To track your order, log in to your Shein account and click on My Account.
  2. Then, once in the My Account page, click on My Order and you will be able to see all of your current orders.
  3. If your order says that the shipment status is Shipped, this means you can track your order.
  4. Do so by clicking on Track Order Details on the right side of your page.
  5. Shein will then provide a specific tracking number with a link to the courier that will look up the shipment progress.
  6. Now, take photos of this tracking update as it will say that your order is still enroute to you and was never actually delivered. Once you have taken a picture of this, you will have the proof you need to show to Shein to confirm with them your package has not yet been delivered and you are still waiting for it.

3. Contact Shein Support Service in Any Convenient Way and Follow Their Instructions

You can also contact Shein to hopefully learn where your package is and figure out if it is actually lost. When it comes to contacting Shein, there are a couple of different ways to do so. The first is to call them at their number, 844-802-2500. Once you call them, you will have to go through a series of automated messages and then you will be able to talk directly to a live customer service representative. You can also go through their customer service website if you do not want to call them. Each country has their own customer service website, so to find yours, just search for Shein Customer Service and you will be able to find the link to your country’s Shein customer service site. Once you are there, you will have to log in to your account. Then, once you are logged in, you can talk to a customer service representative through the live chat and try to figure out what has happened to your Shein package.

Why is My Shein Package Stuck in Shipped

1. Stuck At Customs

What to Do – Check Your Customer Protection Time and Wait Your order may be stuck in customs and this is why it is taking so long for you to get your Shein package. The first thing you should do is check your customer protection time. If you did decide to purchase customer protection upon checkout while ordering through Shein, make sure this time has not expired otherwise, you will not be able to get any benefits from losing your package and getting a refund. Shein has a forty five day policy with their customer protection. If you have ordered your package within the past forty five days, you are in luck and can still cash in on your refund or new order with Shein. However, if this forty five day period has expired, your customer protection has also expired. Shein orders may take a while to deliver but very rarely will take over forty five days, so you should be trying to get your refund or new order far before your customer protection expires. This way, your decision to buy it is worth it and allows you to get a refund or new order. Now, all you can do is wait to see if your package ever passes through customs and is shipped to you.

2. At a Sorting/Transition Point

What to Do – Check Shein to See If There’s A Shipping Delay There may also be a shipping delay which is why you are not getting your Shein package on time. You can easily find out if this is the case through the Shein website.

  1. To find your order, log in to your Shein account and click on My Account.
  2. Then, once in the My Account page, click on My Order and you will be able to see all of your current orders.
  3. When here, you still then see the status of your order and if it is shipping or not. If it has not shipped yet, this page will tell you if it is due to a shipping delay or for some other random reason.

What to Do If Your Shein Package is Late

1. Contact Shein

If your Shein package is late, you can try contacting Shein to figure out what the problem is. When it comes to contacting Shein, there are a couple of different ways to do so. The first is to call them at their number, 844-802-2500. Once you call them, you will have to go through a series of automated messages and then you will be able to talk directly to a live customer service representative. If you do not want to call them, you can also go through their customer service website. Each country has their own customer service website, so to find yours, simply just search for Shein Customer Service and you will be able to find the link to your country’s Shein customer service site. Once you are there, you will have to log in to your account. Then, once logged in, you can talk to someone through their live chat and figure out where your Shein package is.

2. Contact Courrier

Reaching out to your courier should also be done if your Shein package is late and you want to figure out when you can finally get it. To contact your courier, you must reach out to your national postal service. This is the delivery method and provider that Shein uses to deliver any orders as they are based in China and send out millions of international orders. Therefore, you will need to contact your national postal service as that is who will deliver your Shein package and ask them why your package is so late and when you will be receiving it.

3. Wait

If you are in no rush to get your Shein package and are just annoyed that it is taking forever to be delivered, you can also wait for it to finally come. Unless your package actually got lost in the mail and you were notified of this, your Shein order is still on the way and will eventually be delivered to you.

4. Ask For A Refund

You can also ask for a refund if your Shein package is coming way too late. Again, there are some different ways you can go about contacting Shein to ask for this refund. The first is to call them at their number, 844-802-2500. Once you call them, you will have to go through a series of automated messages and then you will be able to talk directly to a live customer service representative. If you do not want to call them, you can also go through their customer service website. Each country has its own customer service website, so to find yours, simply just search for Shein Customer Service and you will be able to find the link to your country’s Shein customer service site. Once you are there, you will have to log in to your account. Then, once you are logged in, you can use the live customer service chat option to ask for your refund.

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